Lucan CNS Religion Class Registration 2024/25

Lucan CNS Religion Class Registration 2024/25

Lucan South Parish

Lucan CNS Religion Classes 2024/25 Registration

If it is your intention to present your child for the sacraments, from 2025 onwards, it is necessary that they present for classes from First Class – Sixth Class inclusive.


The religion classes will take place in Lucan CNS on Mondays only for pupils attending Lucan CNS.

The cost for religion classes for the year will be as follows with payment due before classes start in September:

  • One child: €140
  • Two children: €200
  • Three or more children: €220

A separate form is required for each child attending the classes.


This form is used solely for planning for the religion classes in the parish.  If your child is also due to receive Sacraments of First Holy Communion or Confirmation in 2025 ensure you complete the separate Sacrament registration form.

Child's Details

Please note that the religion classes do not have any SNA support staff so if your child requires additional support in school we would ask that a parent/family member attend the class with the child to assist them to get the most out of the classes.

Parent / Guardian Details

Email address to which we can send your receipt and copy of this registration for your records.

Emergency Information

Person to contact during class time

Religion Class Requirements

In preparation for the Sacraments children are required to attend all the Religion Classes


Photographs may be required for religion class art work and/or the ceremonies associated with the sacrament during the year. The photographs will be taken by the teacher or an authorised member of the Religion Committee.

Child Safeguarding

As part of the Diocesan child safeguarding policy there is a requirement for two garda vetted parents to be present outside the classrooms while the classes take place.  With enough volunteers we can create a rota to minimise impact on individual parents.  If we do not get enough volunteers then the classes will not be permitted to proceed.

Data Protection / Privacy

The data you provide in this form is solely for the purpose of organising the Divine Mercy religion classes and will be held securely by the parish office.  It will only be shared with authorised individuals such as our parish priest, parish secretary and parish catechist.  The data collected for the religion class will be retained until after your child has received the sacraments. The privacy policy which is used by the parish can be viewed here: Parish Privacy Policy. If you require any information on your data please email the parish office.

Cathy Burke