Congratulations on the birth of your new baby!!

Baptism is a great gift to give to your child. It welcomes them into the parish faith community founded on Christ’s love for us all. It is with great joy that all are invited into the family of the parish through baptism.  We are delighted with the opportunity Baptisms in our parish provides to meet with the families concerned and we work hard to ensure that the ceremony itself will be both relaxed and memorable for all.  You will be asked to make a commitment to teach your child to pray and to bring them to Mass. You will also be asked to choose godparents who will be good role models for the child and who will support the child in their Christian faith. Godparents should be practising Catholics, full members of the Church.

To ensure an intimate setting for your child’s Baptism and a dignified celebration, we limit the number of babies for Baptism to four.

Pre-Baptism Meeting

Parents who wish to have a child baptised are invited to attend a preparation meeting beforehand where there will be an opportunity to talk about this important occasion in the life of your family and answer any questions you may have.  

Baptism meetings normally take place on the last Tuesday of each month at 7.30, check out the most recent Newsletter to confirm when the next meeting is scheduled.


  • must have made their Confirmation
  • be committed to the practice of their faith
  • attend the pre-Baptism meeting, if possible

On the day of Baptism

Arrive 15mins before the start of the ceremony.