Preparation for First Holy Communion 
Not only is it an important year in the life of your child, but it is also an important year for their class, their teachers, and also for you the parents/guardians. It is also a special time too for the parish community. Your child’s faith journey began the day you brought your child to the Church to be baptised. And what a special day that was for you and the family. Now, that child has grown, they are about to take another step in their faith journey, as they prepare for First Holy Communion. And we all have a part to play.
While the Home is the primary learning place, each parent/guardian will be asked to take on a special role over the next few months, to journey with your child as they prepare to receive the sacraments, as there is only so much that can be taught in school. Our teachers do a wonderful job in preparing the children for their special day, but ‘home is where the heart is’. And the home is the domestic Church, where our children are influenced by what they see and learn.
The preparation of the children and their families for this special occasion is organised and run in conjunction with our local primary schools and takes place at the 10.30 a.m. Family Mass each Sunday.
2 Steps to prepare for First Communions in 2024
For now we would encourage parents to take three steps:
- Read through the leaflet below on how to help prepare your child for their Sacraments.
- Make sure to complete the registration form for your child
Step 1: How to prepare your child
We have prepared a leaflet to help you prepare your child to receive their Sacraments which you can view/download below.
Step 2: Register your child with the parish for First Communion
We are asking parents to register their child with the parish for their First Penance and First Communion ceremonies to help us prepare properly for their special day. We have an online form to complete that goes to the parish office and a copy will also be emailed to you for your own reference. Please make sure to double check the spelling of your email address. Thank you.