Lucan CNS Religion Classes

Lucan CNS Religion Classes

Confirmation Registration 2022/23

In order to be able to plan for the Confirmation ceremonies in the summer we need each child to register/enrol with the parish so we have a full and correct list of the children. This is required for all children wishing to make their Confirmation in our parish in summer 2023 regardless of which school they attend.

Click here to register your child for Confirmation with the parish

First Holy Communion Registration 2022/23

In order to be able to plan for the First Penance and First Holy Communion ceremonies in the spring/summer we need each child to register/enrol with the parish so we have a full and correct list of the children. This is required for all children wishing to make their Confirmation in our parish in summer 2023 regardless of which school they attend.

Click here to register your child for First Holy Communion with the parish

Sacramental Dates 2023

Lucan CNS Religion Class Registration

In Lucan Community national school we run religion classes outside of the normal school day to allow children to receive religious education and be eligible for the Sacraments of First Penance, First Holy Communion, and Confirmation. These classes are organised and run by parent volunteers in the school together with the team in Lucan South.


Diocesan Guidelines for Religious Education Archdiocese of Dublin

In 2007 the Archdiocese of Dublin published the guidelines for the provision of religious education for Catholic pupils attending schools other than Catholic schools. These guidelines are to be applied to all after school Catholic religion classes in the Diocese of Dublin.

Parish eLearning Policy

In the light of the current pandemic, it has not been possible for us to organize physical classes in the school like we were doing before. This has necessitated distance or remote teaching and learning. This document sets out the policy of the online Religion classes for Roman Catholic children in Lucan South Parish.

Cathy Burke